Events by S&G
Four Corners Holiday Festival
December 7, 2024

Entertainment by
Eddy Craft

Vendor Instructions
1. Load in begins at 2pm. You must be finished setting up by 3:30pm
2. Vendors are responsible for providing their own tent, weights, tables, chairs, linens to the ground and signage.
3. Vendors will be on the parking area across from the library.
4. Food trucks will be in the parking lot.
5. Everyone should enter from the main road in front of the library into the parking lot and exit to the back of the parking lot.
6. Vendor parking is to the left of the library if facing the library.
more instructions will come closer to the day
7. There are no refunds issued once you have paid for your registration
Four Corners Holiday Festival
Sponsorship Opportunities
GOLD Sponsorship $1000
Featured Sponsor
Introduced as a major Sponsor of the event
Prime location for your tent set up
Interviewed and introduced by the MC regularly
Promotion on social media, flyers and other
marketing materials
Logo on the event sign and flyer
Reserved parking for on-site representatives
Plaque for participation
SILVER Sponsorship $750
Prime space for your tent
Your logo on flyers and our website
Logo on the event sign
Interview and promotion by the MC
Reserved parking for on-site representative
Plaque for participation
BRONZE Sponsorship $500
Prime space for your tent
Logo on the event sign
Logo on flyers
BUSINESS Sponsorship $250
Prime space for your tent
Logo on the event sign
Food Truck $100
Crafter $50